Memorandums of Understanding

Memorandums of Understanding

Memorandums of Understanding are agreements setting out how agencies work together. The Inspector-General of Water Compliance has Memorandums of Understanding with:

Water compliance collaboration in the Murray-Darling Basin

A single, multilateral memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the Inspector-General and the Basin states has been in place and published on the Inspector-General’s website since August 2022. The purpose of the MoU is to help build a working relationship between the Basin State regulatory agencies and my office, to support water compliance across the Basin.

In 2023–24, schedules to the MoU were developed and agreed with the Basin states, providing further detail on how we will work together. They describe the working arrangements that give effect to the MoU.

All states have now signed up to MOU, with Victoria adding its signature for the first time. This puts all Basin jurisdictions on the same page for how they will work together and with the Inspector-General to support Basin water management compliance.

Read the updated Memorandum of Understanding with relevant state compliance agencies.


Water compliance collaboration in the Murray-Darling Basin (PDF 1.55 MB)

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