Annual Community Sentiment Survey

Annual Community Sentiment Survey

It’s important to understand the current baseline community sentiment to track and measure our performance and other water management agencies over time. It is also critical to seek an understanding of the drivers behind the sentiment held by various stakeholders in the Basin to address areas where improvements are needed.

The Inspector-General of Water Compliance engaged ORIMA Research to undertake this project. ORIMA is an Australian-owned company with extensive experience in community engagement and research. The research aims to set a baseline of evidence to understand drivers of trust and confidence in water management across the Murray-Darling Basin. This will shape the IGWC’s work to address community needs.

The first Annual Community Sentiment Survey was published in 2023. Find out more about the survey.



Project overview and Research Methodology (PDF 720.61 KB)
Project overview and Research Methodology (DOCX 258.7 KB)

Understanding the Audience (PDF 652.73 KB)
Understanding the Audience (DOCX 262.91 KB)

Knowledge of Murray-Darling Basin and Water Management (PDF 535.81 KB) 
Knowledge of Murray-Darling Basin and Water Management (DOCX 256.41 KB)

Findings relating to the MDB Plan (PDF 536.78 KB)
Findings relating to the MDB Plan  (DOCX 256.4 KB)

Perceptions relating to water management in the MDB (PDF 532.77 KB) 
Perceptions relating to water management in the MDB (DOCX 256.71 KB)

IGWC Findings (PDF 619.9 KB)
IGWC Findings (DOCX 260.13 KB)

Compliance and Enforcement Findings (PDF 642.09 KB)
Compliance and Enforcement Findings (DOCX 261.6 KB)

Please note, these Word documents are intended for accessibility purposes only. It is recommended you view these documents in PDF format in the first instance.



Research Methodology (PDF 706 KB)

Understanding the Audience (PDF 839 KB)

Knowledge of the Murray–Darling Basin and water management (PDF 725 KB)

Findings relating to the Basin Plan (PDF 629 KB)

Perceptions relating to water management in the Murray–Darling Basin (PDF 741 KB)

Compliance and enforcement findings (PDF 1.1 MB)

If you have difficulty accessing these files, email or call 13 IGWC (13 44 92) for assistance.


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