


IGWC submission to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) on a future National Water Agreement

May 2024

This document was provided as a submission to inform the development of a future National Water Agreement.

The National Water Agreement is intended to replace the National Water Initiative, which the Inspector-General oversees in relation to Basin water resources.


IGWC Response to DCCEEW on a National Water Agreement (PDF 4.14 MB)
IGWC Response to DCCEEW on a National Water Agreement (DOCX 284 KB)

IGWC submission to Productivity Commission National Water Reform Inquiry

April 2024

This document was provided as a submission to inform the Productivity Commission’s inquiry.

Interim Report Submission - Productivity Commission National Water Reform Inquiry (PDF 698 KB)

Review of Murray-Darling Water Compliance

October 2023

The Inspector-General of Water Compliance made a submission to the independent review the office’s powers, the Review of Murray-Darling Water Compliance, announced by the Australian Government on 14 September 2023. The review provided a timely opportunity to reflect on:

  • the nature of the Inspector-General
  • what the Inspector-General was established to do
  • whether delivery of this intention is supported by the Inspector-General's current arrangements.


Murray-Darling Water Compliance Review Submission (PDF 620 KB)
Murray-Darling Water Compliance Review Submission (DOCX 523 KB)

Inspector-General’s submission to the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into the effectiveness of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan

August 2023

Under the Water Act 2007 (Cth), the Productivity Commission is required to undertake an inquiry every 5 years into the effectiveness of the implementation of the Basin Plan and water resource plans. This is the second inquiry conducted by the Commission. The Inspector-General of Water Compliance (IGWC) has made a public submission to the inquiry, which is available for download below. Visit the Productivity Commission’s website for more information.


IGWC Submission to the Productivity Commission’s review into the Murray-Darling Basin Plan (PDF 2.62MB)
IGWC Submission to the Productivity Commission’s review into the Murray-Darling Basin Plan (DOCX 6.81MB)


IGWC Submission to Inquiry into the Water Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 (QLD)

November 2022

On 12 October 2022 the Hon Glenn Butcher MP, Minister for Regional Development and Manufacturing and Minister for Water introduced the Water Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 into the Queensland Parliament. The Bill was referred to the State Development and Regional Industries Committee for detailed consideration and report by 9 December 2022.

The primary objective of the Bill was to amend the Water Act 2000 (Qld) to establish a regulatory framework for implementing Queensland’s strengthened policy for measuring the take of non-urban water. The Inspector-General of Water Compliance made a public submission to the Committee which is available for download. Visit Queensland Parliament - State Development and Regional Industries Committee for more information.


Submission No. 003 - Water Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 (PDF 1.65 MB)


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